For hours you have blessed us with your learned points of view On everything from head gaskets to who shot Fu Man Chu. We now know all there is to know about all three World Wars; The Inca’s who shot Hitler; UHT patio doors. We were surprised to be informed that Bono sings with Queen; But how could we dispute this, after all their gigs you’ve seen. And what a turn up for the books, to find that Dido’s dead! Extinct for the last century, as I recall you’d said. And we had simply no idea that Elton once wed Cher You’re right, of course; a sorry shock for such a well-matched pair. Nor did we know, we foolish few, that good old JFK Made chicken, southern fried and finger-licking good, you say.
It’s been a joy to meet you and I’m so glad that I came When I might just have stayed at home and licked a window pane. It’s clear I’m much more stupid than I’d ever realised, And I soooooo love to spend my evenings being patronised. Feel free to call me any day and we’ll do lunch some time. Yes, please do take my number: Got a pen? It’s 9-9-9 Oh dear! Have I offended? Why, I must apologise, Though now I come to think of it, a 'date' might not be wise. I’ve come to the conclusion (though it’s rare that I do that) That you are genuinely a complete and total prat.
I just want to hijack my Blog for a moment to wish my 'little' girl a very happy 28th birthday today! We're off to Salisbury for a girl's day out and to meet a pen-friend of hers for coffee. So everybody please pray for sunshine and that my knackered old Ford Galaxy will go the distance!
A recent Government sponsored report has revealed that cheap alcohol has been responsible for the deaths of over 4,000 football hooligans, teenage delinquents and 'chavs' in the last year alone. In light of these appalling figures, a key spokesperson for Tesco Stores told journalists that Britain's major retailers remained united in their determination to improve this 'disappointing' performance, but that 'Every Little Helps'".
I'd just like to wish all of my friends a very Happy Easter, and to thank the staff at my local Alzheimers Group who have been a tower of strength to me.
Sad, ditsy old fart. Completely Barmy - Yes, I am dumber than a box of dandruff; my belt doesn't go through all the loops; the cheese slid off my cracker; the wheel is spinning but the Hamster's dead. I am living proof that evolution CAN work backwards. AND I have multiplied (Mwahahaha!) - 3 children, 3 grand-children, Pickled bunion, moustache, and a pickled egg (no - sorry - I ate that one - s'pose I'll have to lay another now).
For further details, please fax me, but don't forget to affix a stamp.
Was female last time I looked (but it wasn't nice, so I looked away again).
I won! I won! I won! I won! ... And I'm not even posh! Thanks to the Trebollocks Literary Council who made this award for my services to education in the subject of dickie car-dealers and public health officials.
Thanks to Professor A.B. Yaffle Esq. who recognised my undoubted achievements not as a poet of any wit, but for the widely known fact that I am a fully fledged nutter.
Freakin Fabulous Blog Award
With many thanks to Clare (aka Daisy Darling) for not noticing that my shirt isn't always tucked in